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Uncaught Exception: Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException: Unknown record property / related component Error

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:03 pm
by guney
After the press save button I'm encountering an as follows error

Code: Select all

Mon 29 Mar 2021 07:53:54 AM EDT,328 [494144] ERROR filter.ExceptionCatcherFilter - Uncaught Exception: Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException: Unknown record property / related component "nowworkingyesno" on "JobCandidate" in /home/ekalitec/public_html/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard->filterSet(Object(JobCandidate), 'nowworkingyesno', '0')
#1 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ Doctrine_Record->_set('nowworkingyesno', '0', true)
#2 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ Doctrine_Record->set('nowworkingyesno', '0')
#3 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ Doctrine_Access->__set('nowworkingyesno', '0')
#4 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ AddCandidateForm->_getNewlySavedCandidateId(Object(JobCandidate))
#5 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ AddCandidateForm->save()
#6 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ addCandidateAction->execute(Object(sfWebRequest))
#7 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfExecutionFilter->executeAction(Object(addCandidateAction))
#8 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ orangehrmExecutionFilter->executeAction(Object(addCandidateAction))
#9 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfExecutionFilter->handleAction(Object(sfFilterChain), Object(addCandidateAction))
#10 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfExecutionFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#11 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#12 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfCommonFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#13 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#14 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ orangehrmPostExecutionFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#15 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#16 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ ModuleFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#17 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#18 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ ohrmAuthorizationFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#19 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#20 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ SessionInfoFetcherFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#21 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#22 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ OrangeI18NFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#23 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#24 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ ExceptionCatcherFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#25 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#26 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfBasicSecurityFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#27 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#28 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfRenderingFilter->execute(Object(sfFilterChain))
#29 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFilterChain->execute()
#30 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfController->forward('recruitment', 'addCandidate')
#31 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfFrontWebController->dispatch()
#32 /home/ekalitec/public_html/ sfContext->dispatch()
#33 {main}
My widget:

Code: Select all

'nowWorkingYesNo'=> new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' => array('','Yes','No'))),
My validator:

Code: Select all

'nowWorkingYesNo' => new sfValidatorString(array('required' => false, 'max_length' => 35)),

Code: Select all


 * BaseJobCandidate
 * This class has been auto-generated by the Doctrine ORM Framework
 * @property int                                        $id                                                    Type: integer(13), primary key
 * @property string                                     $firstName                                             Type: string(30)
 * @property string                                     $middleName                                            Type: string(30)
 * @property string                                     $lastName                                              Type: string(30)
 * @property string                                     $email                                                 Type: string(100)
 * @property string                                     $contactNumber                                         Type: string(30)
 * @property int                                        $status                                                Type: integer(4)
 * @property string                                     $comment
 * @property string                                     $nowWorkingYesNo                                      Type:string(35)
 * @property string                                     $livesInAnkaraYesNo
 * @property string                                     $testdomeQuizname
 * @property string                                     $salaryExpectation
 * @property string                                     $lastWorkplace
 * @property string                                     $englishLevel
 * @property string                                     $universityDepartment
 * @property string                                     $cgpa
 * @property string                                     $ksaSummary
 * @property string                                     $atsLink
 * @property string                                     $cv
 * @property string                                     $firstInterviewerName
 * @property string                                     $postFirstInterviewNote
 * @property string                                     $testdomeQuizgrade
 * @property string                                     $secondInterViewerName
 * @property string                                     $secondInterViewNote
 * @property string                                     $offeredSalary
 * @property string                                     $requestedSalary
 * @property int                                        $modeOfApplication                                     Type: integer(4)
 * @property string                                     $dateOfApplication                                     Type: date(25), Date in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
 * @property string                                     $cvTextVersion                                         Type: string(2147483647)
 * @property string                                     $keywords                                              Type: string(255)
 * @property int                                        $addedPerson                                           Type: integer(13)
 * @property bool                                       $consentToKeepData                                     Type: boolean
 * @property Doctrine_Collection|JobCandidateVacancy[]  $JobCandidateVacancy                                   
 * @property JobCandidateAttachment                     $JobCandidateAttachment                                
 * @property Doctrine_Collection|CandidateHistory[]     $CandidateHistory                                      
 * @property Employee                                   $Employee                                              
 * @property Doctrine_Collection|JobInterview[]         $JobInterview                                          
 * @method string                                       getNowWorking()
 * @method string                                       getLivesInAnkara()
 * @method string                                       getSalaryExpectation()
 * @method string                                       getLastWorkplace()
 * @method string                                       getEnglishLevel()
 * @method string                                       getUniversityDepartment()
 * @method string                                       getCGPA()
 * @method string                                       getKSAsummary()
 * @method string                                       getATS_Link()
 * @method string                                       getCV()
 * @method string                                       getFirstinterviewername()
 * @method string                                       getPostfirstinterviewnote()
 * @method string                                       getTestdomequizname()
 * @method string                                       getTestdomequizgrade()
 * @method string                                       getSecondinterviewername()
 * @method string                                       getSecondinterviewnote()
 * @method string                                       getOfferedsalary()
 * @method string                                       getRequestedSalary()
 * @method int                                          getId()                                                Type: integer(13)
 * @method string                                       getFirstname()                                         Type: string(30)
 * @method string                                       getMiddlename()                                        Type: string(30)
 * @method string                                       getLastname()                                          Type: string(30)
 * @method string                                       getEmail()                                             Type: string(100)
 * @method string                                       getContactnumber()                                     Type: string(30)
 * @method int                                          getStatus()                                            Type: integer(4)
 * @method string                                       getComment()                                           Type: string(2147483647)
 * @method int                                          getModeofapplication()                                 Type: integer(4)
 * @method string                                       getDateofapplication()                                 Type: date(25), Date in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
 * @method string                                       getCvtextversion()                                     Type: string(2147483647)
 * @method string                                       getKeywords()                                          Type: string(255)
 * @method int                                          getAddedperson()                                       Type: integer(13)
 * @method bool                                         getConsenttokeepdata()                                 Type: boolean
 * @method Doctrine_Collection|JobCandidateVacancy[]    getJobCandidateVacancy()                               
 * @method JobCandidateAttachment                       getJobCandidateAttachment()                            
 * @method Doctrine_Collection|CandidateHistory[]       getCandidateHistory()                                  
 * @method Employee                                     getEmployee()                                          
 * @method Doctrine_Collection|JobInterview[]           getJobInterview()                                      
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setId(int $val)                                        Type: integer(13), primary key
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setFirstname(string $val)                              Type: string(30)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setMiddlename(string $val)                             Type: string(30)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setLastname(string $val)                               Type: string(30)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setEmail(string $val)                                  Type: string(100)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setContactnumber(string $val)                          Type: string(30)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setStatus(int $val)                                    Type: integer(4)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setComment(string $val)                                Type: string(2147483647)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setModeofapplication(int $val)                         Type: integer(4)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setDateofapplication(string $val)                      Type: date(25), Date in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setCvtextversion(string $val)                          Type: string(2147483647)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setKeywords(string $val)                               Type: string(255)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setAddedperson(int $val)                               Type: integer(13)
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setConsenttokeepdata(bool $val)                        Type: boolean
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setJobCandidateVacancy(Doctrine_Collection $val)       
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setJobCandidateAttachment(JobCandidateAttachment $val) 
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setCandidateHistory(Doctrine_Collection $val)          
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setEmployee(Employee $val)                             
 * @method JobCandidate                                 setJobInterview(Doctrine_Collection $val)              
 * @package    orangehrm
 * @subpackage model
 * @author     Your name here
 * @version    SVN: $Id: Builder.php 7490 2010-03-29 19:53:27Z jwage $
abstract class BaseJobCandidate extends sfDoctrineRecord
    public function setTableDefinition()
        $this->hasColumn('now_working_yes_no as nowWorkingYesNo', 'string', 35, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('lives_in_ankara_yes_no as livesInAnkaraYesNo', 'string', 35, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('salary_expectation as salaryExpectation', 'string', 13, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 13,
        $this->hasColumn('last_workplace as lastWorkplace', 'string', 35, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('english_level as englishLevel', 'string', 35, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('university_department as universityDepartment', 'string', 35, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('cgpa as cgpa', 'string', 13, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 13,
        $this->hasColumn('ksa_summary as ksaSummary', 'string', 10000, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 10000,
        $this->hasColumn('ats_link as atsLink', 'string', 255, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 255,
        $this->hasColumn('cv as cv', 'string', 255, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 255,
        $this->hasColumn('first_interviewer_name as firstInterviewerName', 'string', 35, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('post_first_interview_note as postFirstInterviewNote', 'string', 10000, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 10000,
        $this->hasColumn('testdome_quizname as testdomeQuizname', 'string', 35, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('testdome_quizgrade as testdomeQuizgrade', 'string', 13, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('second_interviewer_name as secondInterViewerName', 'string', 35, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 35,
        $this->hasColumn('second_interview_note as secondInterViewNote', 'string', 10000, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 10000,
        $this->hasColumn('offered_salary as offeredSalary', 'string', 13, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 13,
        $this->hasColumn('requested_salary as requestedSalary', 'string', 13, array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'length' => 13,
        $this->hasColumn('id', 'integer', 13, array(
             'type' => 'integer',
             'primary' => true,
             'autoincrement' => true,
             'length' => 13,
        $this->hasColumn('first_name as firstName', 'string', 30, array(
             'type' => 'string',
             'length' => 30,
        $this->hasColumn('middle_name as middleName', 'string', 30, array(
             'type' => 'string',
             'length' => 30,
        $this->hasColumn('last_name as lastName', 'string', 30, array(
             'type' => 'string',
             'length' => 30,
        $this->hasColumn('email', 'string', 100, array(
             'type' => 'string',
             'length' => 100,
        $this->hasColumn('contact_number as contactNumber', 'string', 30, array(
             'type' => 'string',
             'length' => 30,
        $this->hasColumn('status', 'integer', 4, array(
             'type' => 'integer',
             'length' => 4,
        $this->hasColumn('comment', 'string', 2147483647, array(
             'type' => 'string',
             'length' => 2147483647,
        $this->hasColumn('mode_of_application as modeOfApplication', 'integer', 4, array(
             'type' => 'integer',
             'length' => 4,
        $this->hasColumn('date_of_application as dateOfApplication', 'date', 25, array(
             'type' => 'date',
             'length' => 25,
        $this->hasColumn('cv_text_version as cvTextVersion', 'string', 2147483647, array(
             'type' => 'string',
             'length' => 2147483647,
        $this->hasColumn('keywords', 'string', 255, array(
             'type' => 'string',
             'length' => 255,
        $this->hasColumn('added_person as addedPerson', 'integer', 13, array(
             'type' => 'integer',
             'length' => 13,
        $this->hasColumn('consent_to_keep_data as consentToKeepData', 'boolean', null, array(
             'type' => 'boolean',

    public function setUp()
        $this->hasMany('JobCandidateVacancy', array(
             'local' => 'id',
             'foreign' => 'candidateId'));

        $this->hasOne('JobCandidateAttachment', array(
             'local' => 'id',
             'foreign' => 'candidateId'));

        $this->hasMany('CandidateHistory', array(
             'local' => 'id',
             'foreign' => 'candidateId'));

        $this->hasOne('Employee', array(
             'local' => 'addedPerson',
             'foreign' => 'empNumber'));

        $this->hasMany('JobInterview', array(
             'local' => 'id',
             'foreign' => 'candidateId'));
What should i do prevent this error?

Re: Uncaught Exception: Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException: Unknown record property / related component Error

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 12:43 pm
by rajitha

Did you customize the widget?