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detailled project report

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:30 pm
by Thomas
Hi All,

I need for the customer projects not only a report with the summary of hours by activity. Instead I need a classical detailled project report with the following information:
for each day the hours spend by individual person on a project with discipline.

Project A Report:
2021-04-07 | Bob | 4 h | Software Development
2021-04-07 | Bob | 3 h | Documentation
2021-04-07 | Jim | 8 h | Documentation

How can i configure my orangeHRM instance to achieve such a report?
Is there any programming interface for customized scripts?

Any help or hint is welcome.

Best regards Thomas

Re: detailled project report

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:45 am
by kavitha

The opensource version of OrangeHRM doesn't allow to customise the reports. Please have a look at OrangeHRM paid version which has the facility of these features.